Thursday, April 2

News: Reactable Now Available

Alert reader and regular SSM correspondent Kfuture has recently learned that the amazing Reactable is now available for retail consumption. Kfuture, DJ KRC and I first encountered this mindblowing modular synth at Björk's 2007 Coachella performance.

We were unsure if what we were seeing was real, and research confirmed that the Reactable is in fact a project from the Music Technology Group at Spain's Pompeu Fabra University. The Reactable Experience is now available and is aimed at museums and public entities. Now if only an eccentric, rich musician like Trent Reznor could get his hands on this puppy...


Jennifer said...

I was there too!

Jonathon David said...

Yes you were. And so was the Lady Doc and MC Greater Good.

Jennifer said...

We need to do that again. A Coachella reunion. Except this time, we need a driver. :)